
10th General Conference

22 - 27 May B.E. 2515 (1972)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
World Peace Through Buddhism
At this conference, it may be added that Dharmacakra had been accepted universally as the common seal of Buddhism by all the Buddhists of the world.  Remarkably, it was also informed at the conference that UNESCO had recognized WFB as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), having Category B Consultative Status with the Agency.  Moreover, the WFB as the parent organization, had held an inauguration ceremony of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (W.F.B.Y.) which was marked to be born in Sri Lanka and the 1st Buddhist Youth Conference was also convened.  From then on the W.F.B.Y. is an organization of youth wing under the WFB’s auspices. 

In addition, there was decision that General Conference of the WFB may be extended to three years for special and unavoidable reasons acceptable to the Executive Council of the WFB.  At the conference, Princess Poon Pismai Diskul, the President stated that in order to achieve the goal of World Peace, we, all Buddhists, must work together and rely on each other’s efforts.  The WFB’s role is a catalyst to exchange views, submit ideas, give suggestions and to be sort of a bridge, whenever possible, for international understanding and cooperation.