Peace Marathoner paid a courtesy visit to the President of The WFB
3 January B.E. 2566 (2023)
On 3 January B.E. 2566 (2023) Rev. Sujin and Rev. Kang Se Jin from Won-Buddhism in Bangkok led Mr. Kang Myung-gu, the Peace Marathoner, paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Phallop Thaiarry, President of The WFB at the Headquarters. In this regard, he also shared his vision with Mr. Montian Thananart, Secretary-General, Mr. Kongkar Tipkeeree, Treasurer, Mrs. Sawanee Chuensumran, Deputy Secretary-General, Rear Admiral Isara Yimpanich, Executive of The WFB, and Mr. Idanont Thaiarry, Secretary-General of WFBY.
Mr. Kang studied at Won-Buddhism in New York and in B.E. 2558 (2015) started the peace marathon for peaceful unification in North America for 5,200 kilometers, from Jeju Island to Gwanghamun (the main and the largest gate of Gyeongbok Palance in Jongnu-gu Seoul) for 660 kilometers, then from Hayke, Netherlands to Seoul for 16,000 kilometers in a year and two months. This time, in B.E. 2566 (2023), marking the 70th anniversary of the armistice, he wishes to pray with the Pope of the Vatican for peace at Panmunjom with the aim of an international speech of ending the war and concluding a peace agreement. Along the way, he met the world religious figures and peace activists to evoke a peace discourse of coexistence.