Visitor from WFBY Regional Centre visited the Headquarters
3 January B.E. 2566 (2023)
Mr. Rajish Barua, from Aburkhil Janakalyan Samiti, a Regional Center of WFBY in Bangladesh, visited The WFB Headquarters on 3 January B.E. 2566 (2023). He was welcomed by Mr. Phallop Thaiarry, President of The WFB, Mr. Montian Thananart (Secretary-General), Mr. Kongkar Tipkeeree (Treasurer), Mrs. Sawanee Chuensumran (Deputy Secretary-General), and Mr. Idanont Thaiarry, Secretary General of WFBY.
Mr. Barua mentioned that in Japan, where he is doing his business, there are a Buddhist group from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India who immigrate or work in Tokyo. They would like to find a possibility to form a Buddhist group and be a part of The WFB family and WFBY because they feel that Buddhism is their mental shelter and helps them lessen their stress while working and living in a foreign country. He had received a valuable recommendation from Mr. Phallop, and Mr. Idanont in this regard.