1 December B.E. 2558 (2015)
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej graciously commanded that the Royal Funeral of the late His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Kingdom of Thailand who passed away on 24 October B.E. 2556 (2013); to be held at the Phra Meru Royal Crematorium of Wat Debsirindravas on 16 December B.E. 2558 (2015). Tentative Program is attached herewith.
During His Holiness’s life, he had always been concerned with promoting education both religious and secular as well as building schools, temples, and hospitals in rural communities including teaching to both Thais and foreigners. The kindness of His Holiness was a familiar image and always on the move for the entire day yet His Holiness never expressed his exhaustion to others but always granted assistance to those who seeking his refuge. Throughout His Holiness life had dedicated to the selfless pursuit of loving kindness, compassion and humanity. His Holiness was the exemplary piety, unfailing dedication with intense activities in so many different fields. In recognition of His Holiness’s exceptional capabilities, the value of His Holiness written compositions, and multiple tasks he had performed, many well-known national universities had bestowed him honorary doctorate degrees in various fields of education.
According to the constitution of the WFB, it is stipulated that the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand is the 1st clergy patron. His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara had immensely granted his kind patronage and advice to the WFB throughout his life namely His Holiness was the person who initiated to mark 6 August of every year be the World Meditation Day which was resoluted at the 16th WFB General Conference in B.E.2531 (1988), the WFB Humanitarian Fund was also established from his suggestion derived since Tsunami happened in Thailand B.E.2547 (2004), including the establishment of World Buddhist University in B.E.2541 (1998).
The Royal Cremation Ceremony of His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Kingdom of Thailand will be a rare occasion to witness an ancient royal Thai Buddhist traditional practice organized by Bureau of the Royal Household and the Royal Thai Government together with the Supreme Sangha Council of Kingdom of Thailand. Thus, it is a final chance to pay homage to the late His Holiness who had immensely contributed for world Buddhism throughout his life.
Thank you for your attention and please be informed accordingly.