Declaration of Becoming Buddhists of 300 Hilltribes Families

15th - 16th October B.E. 2566 (2023)
From 15-16 October B.E. 2566 (2023) Most Ven. Phra Promsenabodi, a member of Thai Supreme Sangha Council, the Sangha Regional Governor of the 7th Region, and Abbot of Wat Pathumkongkar Ratchavoravihara, and Mr. Phallop Thaiarry, President of The WFB, including Mr. Samarn Sudto (Advisor), Mrs. Sawanee Chuensumran (Deputy Secretary-General), and Mr. Kongkar Thipkeeree (Treasurer), participated at the ceremony of declaration of becoming Buddhists of 300 hilltribe families/1,000 persons in the remote area of Galayani Vadhana District, Chiangmai Province.  The trip took approximately 4 hours from Chiangma International Airport to Galayani Vadhana District in Chiangmai Province, Thailand.  This project was a collaboration of The WFB, the World Buddhist University, and the 7th Sangha Region of Thailand.

At the ceremony 300 Buddha images were also provided, and scholarships were granted to students of Wat Chan School, Ban Huai Ya School, and Baan Khun Mae Ruam School, including distributed blankets and necessities to hilltribe families.