Holy Relics bestowed to An Sim Joeng Sa
21st March B.E. 2567 (2024)
Mr. Phallop Thaiarry, President, and Mr. Montian Thananart, Secretary-General of The WFB, led Most Ven. Seok Boeb Ahn, President and Abbot of An Sim Joeng Sa, a regional centre of The WFB in the Republic of Korea, and their delegates, to respectfully receive the Lord Buddha’s relics in Bangkok, Thailand since 21 March B.E. 2567 (2024). These relics were intended to be enshrined at the temple of Most Venerable. A total of 64 relics were divided into two golden containers, with 32 relics in each, and bestowed upon An Sim Joeng Sa for enshrinement at their temple in the Republic of Korea.