President of The WFB cordially paid respect to Most Ven. Phra Brahmavajirodom

9th June B.E. 2567 (2024)
On 9th June B.E. 2567 (2024) Mr. Phallop Thaiarry, President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (The WFB), respectfully visited Most Ven. Phra Brahmavajirodom (Suthat Woradassi, P.D.9, Ph.D.), the Abbot of Wat Molilokkayaram Ratchaworavihara and the Ecclesiastical Regional Governor of Region 10.  This visit was in honor of the Venerable’s recent promotion to the rank of Deputy Somdet (primate) of the Thai Sangha.  During this meeting, Mr. Thaiarry extended an invitation to Most Ven. Phra Brahmavajirodom to deliver a sermon at the WFB headquarters on 27th July B.E. 2567 (2024).  This merit event is dedicated to His Majesty the King of Thailand in celebration of His Majesty’s 72nd Birthday Anniversary on 28th July B.E. 2567 (2024).